
SiteSpeakAI screenshot
Free Version

updated at: November 2023

Automate your customer support with ChatGPT.

Create a custom trained AI support chatbot using your own content, support docs, PDF''s, API or database. Then add it to your website with a single line of code to respond to your visitors questions in real-time and reduce your support tickets.

Category: Chat Bot
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SiteSpeakAI's Pricing Plans

SiteSpeakAI may change prices at any time. Here's our latest information:

SiteSpeakAI Pricing Plans


Small businesses and websites that want to reduce their customer support load with AI.



  • 1 AI Chatbot
  • Up to 30 source links
  • 2k message credits / month
  • Inbox with conversation history
  • Smart Prompts and Fine-tuning
  • Live chat
  • Slack integration
  • 48-hour support response time

Alternatives AI applications for SiteSpeakAI